Girlfriend An Unholy Prayer
“hey jake wake up man” i herd kyle almost shout at me and if your wondering kyle is a friend of mine ive known him ever since my parents died “halo jake wake up man its time to go” i slowly opend my eyes realising the class room was empty apart from me and kyle i looked to my left seeing kyle sitting on the desk next to me “waky waky bro you must of slept through the hole class whats a matter havent you had much sleep lately you look exausted” kyle said putting his hand on my shoulder “well atleast i dont look as bad as you” i replied with a smirk ” haha yeah you wish bro anyway are you comming to my party tonight you have to man theres gonna be hot girls there and i mean hot like youve never seen and you look like you need to loosen up seems like you havent slept in a year” kyle said standing up
” it feels like it and i cant i have to work tonight so im kind of tighed up at the moment ” i replied realising how late it must of been so i quickly reached in my pocket and pulled out my phone seeing thats i had only 15 minutes to get to work before i was late twice in a row “dam look i have to go” i said standing up and grabing my backpack before swinging it over my left shoulder and darting for the door but just as i reached it mrs clements walked in “mr hale i need a word with you right now” she said sitting at her desk “mrs clements cant this wait im running late for work” i said turning around “this will only take a moment take a seat mr hale mr black could you please leave while i have a chat with jake please” she asked kyle nodded and then headed for the door “hey ill give you a call later ok” kyle wisperd as he walked out i walked over to the front of her desk and took a seat hoping this would be over soon “mr hale its been brought to my attension that your studdys have been taking a turn for the worst your hardly ever here and when you do show up you sit at the back of the class either talking with your friends or falling asleep on your desk so what do you have to say for your self” she said with a pissed off tone “look i have to go to work every night just to make ends meet and on top of that i have to take care of my kid sister because she has no one els just me and even after working all night i still manage to drag myself out of bed and come here for 8am just like anyone els so i think i deserve a little slack dont you” just as i said that she stood up and her face turned red with anger “ITS NOT GOOD enough mr hale you better straighten up or your going to fail this class and this hole term and thats a place where you dont want to be leaving here with nothing to show for it” i looked up and just gave her a smug smile
“is that all” i replied but before she could answer i grabed my backpack off the floor and sprinted out of the door into the hall way i ran as fast as i could but i was so exausted from working all night and lets just say college wasnt exactly a place that could get my mind off of everything it just seemed to get worse every week but all i could think of was that i couldent be late again i had to be on time because marcus would kill me i must of been lost in thought because before i new it i was falling flat on my back in a daze wondering what the hell just happend “hey watch where your going what are you blind or something” i herd a voice scream at me i tried to look up but i couldednt see at first i was so tierd my eyes were blurry ” what are you deff as well” i herd the girlish voice say again i mannaged to finally get my eye sight back i looked up and noticed a womanly figure standing above me with blond haire but my eyes were so blured i couldent see her that well “umm halo what am i talking to myself or something” she screached at me “sorry i didnt realise where i was going” i said standing up “what are you some kind of perv or something just stay away from me ok” she continued to screach at me “anyone ever tell you how charming you” i replied sarcasticly but she must of be off balance from the fall because she fell against one of the lockers but i jumped forward and grabed her before she could do any serious damage but she pushed me away “did i say i needed your help perv no just stay away from me is that clear enough for you” she stated turning around and walking away “nice to meet you to” i mutterd under my breath but i was quickly snaped off my train off thought when my phone started to ring i quckly answered it not looking at the number “jake its marcus where are you we expected you here 5 minutes ago hurry up or your working the late shift on the bar” i quickly put my phone down and ran down the corridor to the main entrence i ran as fast as i could across the main road almost getting knocked down by a car and if that wasnt bad enough it started raining getting me drenched i ran down every short cut i could i finally arrived at the resturant so i decided to go through the back hoping no one would notice me sneaking in so late i opend the door to the employe locker room soaking wet trying to catch my breath i looked around not noticing anyone i slid my backpack off getting my work clothes out but just as i did i looked up seeing marcus leaning against the entrance to the kitchen “umm is it raining by any chance buddy” he said with a slight chuckle “just a few showers around nothing to bad” i jokingly replied trying desperatly to catch my breath “are you feeling ok jake you dont look so good buddy”
all i could do was laugh as i collapsed on the work bench behind me “yeah never better just have to catch my breath” marcus walked over to me and sat down on the bench near the employes lockers “jake honestly are you ok if you need some time off all you have to do is ask you look like you could use a break” marcus had a concerned look on his face what ide never seen before “you know your not the first person to ask me that” i said smirking at him “but i cant i need the money have to keep up payments on the house or they will throw me and amy out on the street i wish i could take a break but i cant” i sat up on the work bench putting my work clothes on “if your sure buddy just dont work your self to death” marcus said laughing before getting up and walking to the door “oh and jake i was wondering we have a new girl starting claire do you think you could show her the ropes its her first day and i thought who better than you” i paused confused for a second marcus always tells me about new employes oh well it wasnt like i could say no “uh yeah sure thing” replied still unsure “great you have 2 minutes to get ready and then ill see you in the kicthen” marcus said before turning around and walking into the resturant i quickly got changed puting my bag and my jacket into my locker and closing it i laughed to myself i mean could this day get any worse but i guess i had to deal with it but as i started to leave the locker room my phone started to ring again i quickly pulled my phone from my pocket seeing it was amy i answered it as fast as i could “hey jake are you going to be home tonight you promised me you would be where are you” i felt worse than id ever felt before i totaly forgot that i promised amy i would be home today “dam sorry sis i have work i spaced it completely i” but before i could say another word the line started to break up and eventally died out so i put my phone in my pockect already as pissed off as i could be with how the day is turning out. Orgasmus 魅せる!男の筋肉を描く .
- Other Name: [0Lightsource] An Unholy Prayer [中国翻訳]
- Categories: Western
- Source: Ehentai
- Tags: Anal, Crossdressing, Males only, Nun, Priest, Stockings, Tomgirl, Yaoi, Comic, Extraneous ads, Full color, Porn hentai, Free hentai, Best Hentai
- Artists: Lightsource
- Languages: Chinese, Translated
Hentai: [0Lightsource] An Unholy Prayer [Chinese] [迷幻仙域×新桥月白日语社]
[0Lightsource] An Unholy Prayer [中国翻訳]
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